Wednesday, October 12, 2011
What now?
No longer am I creating Kickstands Up.
Out of touch with SAMCRO. K2 and I have decided not to watch anymore, until we can catch up on all the missed episodes.
The good thing now is that the Vegas stress is gone.
Lately, I've gotten sick of epay...err ebay. I posted a ton of stuff on No fees until you sell. Works for me. We'll see how that goes. I have new products not listed on nor will ever get listed there. It just doesn't fit what I am trying to do. I am a terrible marketing person. But I try. Here is a link to my Yardsale.
I know...alot of rambling...but after all, isn't that was this blog is for? Wait, why am I asking you!
This weekend is some alone time with K2. Saturday, we will ride up to Jerome. She's certainly excited. I'm not saying I'm not, cuz I am. I love going to Jerome.
Until next time, keep the shiny side up...unless of course your bike is not shiny or glossy. In that case, keep the tread on the ground.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Douche bag

Friday, September 9, 2011
Miles for Mom

Dear Friends and Family,
The National MS Society is kicking off the 24th Annual Phoenix Walk MS on November 5, 2011. I am planning to be a part of this event and I am asking you to join me as I move towards a cure for MS by making a contribution to support my effort.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is dedicated to ending the devastating effects of MS. They simultaneously fund research for a cure while also helping people who currently live with MS lead more fulfilling lives. I believe in the work they do, and I invite you to see for yourself all the good they've done for the MS community. More than 400,000 Americans live with MS, and your support can and will make changes in their lives.
Please help by making a donation - large or small - to my personal Walk MS page. Or, why not join me on the day of the event? Become a participant or volunteer and side by side, as teammates, we can work together to raise the funds to make a difference.
Whatever you can give will help! I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.
Click here to get to my personal page and make a secure, online donation.
To mail a donation:
Make all checks payable to National MS Society, Arizona Chapter. Include a note with my full name and the name of the event (Phoenix Walk). Mail to: National MS Society, Arizona Chapter; 5025 E. Washington St., Ste 102 Phoenix, AZ 85034
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Arizona, Phoenix Walk MS 2011

I posted how I was thinking of doing this on November 5th, 2011 here in Phoenix. K2 agreed and wanted to do it to, even before I had the chance to ask her if she will do it. So now I am going to start a team and hope I can get a couple more ppl involved in raising money for MS. I would like to personally raise $500, not including my own contribution.
Now we just need a clever team name. I thought of using the business name somehow...but not sure I want to do that. Even thought to use "Easy Riders". Which ever name we choose, I want it to do with bikers or biker related. Ideas?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My rig

Is that cool or what? I have to climb into it now....def taller. Don't mind the dirt, I plan on washing her soon.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Eric Church's new album titled Chief just hit the shelves yesterday (July 26th, 2011). This was a very anticipated album, especially after hearing his latest single "Homeboy" from this album.

The man that brought us hits like "These boots", "Guys like me" "Hell on the heart" & of course I can't forget "Smoke a little smoke" releases his 3rd album.

Even tho Kmart advertised that they would not only have the album yesterday, they discounted the price to $8.99. Right after work my wife and I go to there to pick the album up and they have none on the shelf. The guy at the counter even went to the back to see if they were in a box still. No luck. What bullshit. Seriously? How can you advertise that if you can't follow thru. Guess I will not be shopping there at all again. Assholes! This was the one of the reasons I did not pre-order the album. So we drove to Target instead since it was the only place that I could think would have it near the house (besides Walmarx, which I refuse to go). Of course they had it! Not only that, but they also had it on sale for $8.99. BINGO!!!!! Thank you Target for not letting me down.
Not able to wait until I get home, I opened the CD as soon as I left the store and popped in the the player. First song "Creepin" starts off with a very old echo sound that you sometimes hear. I really love this effect. After a few lyrics it sounds normal again, but he usually the effect in the chorus lines throughout. The track is easy to follow and relate to..."What the dreams forget the whiskey remembers".
Eric was involved in writing every song except "Like Jesus does". When I did a search, I saw something about a cover but was not able to find anything about the original. It would make sense why he didn't write it if it is a cover song.

As soon as the 2nd track, "Drink in my hand", starts playing and Kelly said the exact same thing I was thinking. Good or bad, I said agreed. "All you gotta do is put a drink in my hand". Speaking of which, I'm ready for some Jack Daniel's and the beginning of the weekend.
There really is not a song on this album that I didn't enjoy. A few days ago I remember watching a video on his website called "I'm getting' stoned". Its not what you think. Just listen to the song and you will understand what I mean. It's the 10th track on the album and am happy that I was able to hear it before the album dropped.
Of course there is "Homeboy" which has been playing on the radio for a while. At first listen, I really didn't like the song. It didn't take long before it grew on me and changed my phone ring tone too. Maybe only after the 2nd or 3rd time I heard it. The music is great and the lyrics are powerful. Definitely has an interesting title.
And how can I forget to mention this song? You ask which one? How well do you know me? lol "Jack Daniels". Need I say any more? I think not. "But Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last nite".

Eric Church is an amazing talent, both singer and songwriter. But, he's even more amazing to see in concert. He's able to energize the crowd and give the fans exactly what they came more. Not only is he a music artist, but also an entertainer.
Kelly and I will be seeing him for the 2nd time in a couple of weeks here in Tempe, Arizona. If you like outlaw country, you should get the album.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Biggest grilled cheese ever.
And I made it! 1 lb., 8 cheese monster grilled cheese w/bacon for dinner.
I need a creative name for it....any ideas?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Testing the new GoPro HD camera.
Friday, May 20, 2011
MeanStreet Riders more than meets the ear
In the logo alone, without listening to anything it has biker written all over it.
I received an e-mail from MeanStreet Mary about taking a listen and doing a review. I did a bit of research; however I did not want to be swayed. I asked a few people and no one had heard of them. Perfect, no outside influence!
Fortunate enough to get an advanced copy of it, once it arrived I was very excited. The first song titled "High on the Hog", was probably the best begin track on the entire album. It begins with a one of a kind guitar riff. I was pumped from the first few notes. Lyrics I relate to and seem to fit my life. "I don’t need no Cadillac to make me feel on top. I don’t need a diamond ring or expensive place to shop. Keep Life in a simple state with the rubber on the ground..." Suddenly the chorus line picks up and I'm energized and can't help but dance to it.

If you're a biker, chances are you've heard of the Dragon, Tail of the Dragon, Deal's Gap (among other names it has been given). I see a track titled "129". Without listening to this, the first thing I thought of when I saw the name was "Tail of the Dragon?" I couldn't be more correct. It has a sensational into that begins with a guitar made to sound like something familiar to us all. Bike rev and shifting gears. Funky, Funky, Funky... Bass guitar that has blues written all over it.
With each and every track, I became much more interested. I hear influences that are similar to the Eagles, ZZ Top, Jackson Browne, Zack Brown Band, Tim McGraw, Rodney Adkins, Allman Brothers Band, Skynard (yes, Lynyrd Skynyrd) and even a bit of Chris Isaak. Every song written with emotion. Been there, done that feel throughout. It’s incredible to be able to relive some of my rides and experiences thru words and music. It makes me want to jump up, dance and ride.

Another amazing track is "I've had good ride". I want to stand up and go ride. I mean right now!! "It ain’t all about if ya get there fast, Sometimes just take it slow and make the moments last". This is similar to a saying I've heard and used many times's not the destination, but it's the journey that counts. Those are words I live by. 'Take it all in... again and again" epitome of what we (as bikers) are all about. It has a very unique sound that I can't help but play it over and over and over and over and...err you get the point.
I really can't say enough about "Where I was born". Just in case you forget (often most of us do or at least take for granted) that the United States (even with its flaws and our liberty and freedom being challenged more and more every single day) is the greatest country in the world.
The album has something for everyone of every walk of life. I hear so many instruments and sounds it’s a wonder how they can do it with so few in the band. Currently in rehearsal until late summer/fall and will likely tour. They have already been asked perform biker rallies in Florida, Massachusetts and Texas but this is only the beginning. The MeanStreet Riders, which live and breathe motorcycles, were formed in 2008. Their debut album, "High on the Hog" will be released about the 3rd week in July. You can listen to samples of a few songs on their website, along with plenty of other information. For social media nuts, they can also be found on Facebook & Twitter. Go check them out and judge for yourself, although I know you will love their music just as much as I do. Time to ride!
Shannon Wallace guitars/vocals
Dowlin Mayfield guitars/vocals
Greg Torres keyboards/vocals
Eric Lampley bass/vocals
Kevin LaCour drums/vocals
Fritz Froeschner guitar/vocals